Stress fractures are tiny breaks in the bone, usually caused by repetitive force/overuse of bone. A stress fracture can also develop from normal use of bone or in patients with osteoarthritis. The symptoms of a stress fracture include pain, swelling and aching at the site of the fracture. When we touch the bone, patient will feel pinpoint pain. This pain usually starts after starting any activities and usually resolves with the rest. Normally patients with stress fractures are concerned about walking, usually doctors do not recommend walking when you have a stress fracture because it can reopen the healed fracture and increase the recovery time . You can walk accordingly by monitoring recovery. In most cases, stress fractures get healed within 6 to 8 weeks. More serious stress fracture takes a longer time to get heal, may be due to lack of blood supply. A stress fracture can happen in any region there is overuse. Usually, they are most commonly found in the lower extremity as a result...