How to prevent Sports Injuries?

INTRODUCTION:- Sports injuries are one of the most common injuries that happens in sports and sports person, the term sports man include both the female and male who take part in any kind of games, athletics or adventures that required physical activity as a hobby or as a career. During this journey there are several sportsman that get affected with certain type of injuries while taking part in the sports. It is quite obvious that any injury can occur with any kind of sport but it is very important to be aware of which injury are common in the specific sport. For example during football injuries to the ligaments and cartilage of the knee and ankle joint are very common. In cricket or in javelin throwers strain to the spine or in the shoulder is a common injury. Or while playing Kabaddi or basketball type of suspectable knee twist and impact on the knee cartilage is a common injury. Exerciseing regularly has a huge impact on the body and is good for maintaining proper physique as well ...