Neck pain is the sensation of discomfort in the structure of the neck. These include neck nerves, muscles, bones, joints, and discs. When your neck is sore you found discomfort while moving, such as turning to one side or side to side. Neck pain is very common these days as people are not concerned about healthy posture and also because of computer jobs, exerted position of the neck results in neck pain. Some signs and symptoms of neck pain are muscle tightness and spasms of the neck muscle cause pain. this pain is often worsened by holding your head in one place for a long period such as when driving or doing computer work, besides this mild to moderate headache is a common symptom caused because of neck pain which decreased the ability to move the head. Neck ache varies from different severities. To effectively treat neck pain you must know the causes of neck pain either acute or chronic neck pain. Some common causes of acute neck pain are neck muscle strains & sprains caused by...