Types of meniscus injuries and how to diagnose them

Meniscus, the C-shaped cartilage. that cushions the thigh bone and the shin bone has a lot of wear and tear happening on it due to the constant motion and load-bearing activities of the knee. This cartilage also gives stability and control in motions of the knee apart from cushioning the two major bones connected to the knee joint . The meniscus has a very important role in the proper and painless functioning of the knee joint. Any problem due to wear and tear or injury afflicted during sports or accidents to the meniscus can be a cause of worry. The Meniscus is a very peculiar part of the knee joint that has vascular as well as avascular areas in it. Minor injuries afflicted to the vascular areas may heal fast and without medical or surgical intervention due to the blood flow but the avascular area would mostly require surgical or medical intervention. Blood flow plays a major part in the healing of injuries in our bodies. Detecting, diagnosing and taking curative steps is of vital im...