What to Do If You Have an ACL Injury?
Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) is a very common sports injury though it can also happen during your daily activities or even while doing your home chore. ACL is the ligament that connects the bones of the upper leg with your lower leg. An ACL injury could be partial or complete depending on the extend of damage to the ligament. People may be able to function normally with an ACL injury, but an untreated ACL could surely aggravate and cause other damages to the knee too. ACL keeps your knee stable and assists in the proper movement of the knee joint. Any kind of knee pain or ACL-related injury should immediately be shown to a good orthopedic or a sports doctor for proper diagnosis of the type of ACL and its respective treatment. Dr. Manish Maheshwari the leading orthopedic surgeon and sports medicine expert is the best person to contact if you have been having any kind of knee or sports-related injuries. He is the best ACL reconstruction surgeon in Indore.
ACL injuries could be the result of twisting of the knee, use of force on your knee like a tackle in a football game, sudden movements like that in basketball, landing from a jump or sudden turning. The injury may look very sports-oriented but it is not the case always, it could be sustained from very normal activities like walking, sitting or squatting and that too at home.
You could be subjected to various imaging tests to pinpoint the location of the injury and ascertain the extent, severity and complexity of the injury. These tests will also be useful in deciding the mode of treatment for the injury.
Aides that support the knee like braces, crutches and other supporting gears could be advised to keep your knee from moving too much and let the injury heal comfortably. Physical therapy to help improve the joint movement and strengthen the muscles attached to the knee and supporting the knee will also be advised during rehabilitation.
Surgery will be recommended if the tear is complicated, partial but not healing with other methods and if the ACL has torn completely.
Once an ACL has occurred the first method to heal it would the R.I.C.E method to reduce the pain and swelling. It is also advisable to keep away from sports or any such activity that may lead to stress or weight on the knee causing the injury to aggravate more. Taking rest and prescribed physiotherapy would be a good help in the healing process for ACL tears that do not require surgery. Even for ACL that requires surgery, it would be advisable to work on reducing the swelling and pain while the surgeon decides on the path of surgery. If it is operated upon for repair, then the rehabilitation process would also involve a lot of care at home, physical therapy for strengthening the knee and the muscles that support it. Even after full recovery care should be taken to avoid such actions that could re-injure your knee.
The knee is a very important part of the body that helps us in being mobile. Any injury or discomfort could bring us to a standstill. Dr. Manish Maheshwari the top ACL reconstruction surgeon in Indore has been pivotal in getting people back on their feet with his years of experience in the field of orthopedics and knee surgery. If are you planning for ACL reconstruction surgery in Indore, MP come to the Indore Arthroscopy Center. Book an appointment today call now us at 9826252228 for more information.
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