Common orthopedic injuries at home

Injuries can happen anywhere even at home. Major injuries don't need to happen only at the workplace or due to accidents on the road or at play. Injuries, pain, niggles and discomfort can occur even at the safest of locations like your home and occur during the most normal routines that you do home. Joint injuries are the most common injuries that can because even by prolonged immobility or too much movement. Nowadays ninety percent of the population of the globe is either at home or confined to the walls of their workplace due to Corona. The visit to gyms, gardens, public places, vacation destinations and sports arena are restricted due to Corona, so lot of rigorous activities have been curbed. Even then there is a high chance of hurting your joints while just sitting around at home or doing your normal easy routines at home. Activities that require a lot of squatting or bending of the knee at acute angles are a cause of some minor or major injury to your knee. The activities tha...