ACL injury & when should you consult a sports surgeon.

What are the symptoms of ACL injury & when should you consult a sports surgeon.

Symptoms of ACL injury and the best professional to be consulted.

Who to consult when you have an ACL injury.


ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) injury is commonly a sports-related injury to persons who involve in a lot of sudden movements like jumping, landing, turning, sudden stopping. This may also be caused due to heavy manual work. 

This injury is very common with sportsmen playing soccer, basketball, football, and skiing. This may also happen in manual laborers, carrying or shifting heavy load. Road accidents, misstep or imbalance during dancing, twisting injuries while ascending or descending stairs, and hurting your knee during household activities can also lead to an ACL injury.


An ACL injury can lead to the following conditions:

A popping sound can be heard or felt in the knee when the injury happens.

Inability to continue activity due to severe pain.

Rapid swelling around the knee.

Restricted movement.

Instability while bearing weight


When you have any or all of the above symptoms related to an ACL injury, it is time to consult a sports specialist. An orthopedic with sports as specialization is the perfect medical professional for an ACL injury treatment. Dr. Manish Maheswari- the top ACL reconstruction surgeon in Indore and Central India, will be the best professional to be consulted when you have an ACL injury. His vast experience in the field of sports injury and specialization in ACL reconstruction would prove to be a pivotal factor in putting you back on your feet after the injury.


ACL injury recovery may take about 6-8 months with a proper rehabilitation process. Sportsmen have gone back to their sport in a matter of months due to the advanced medical procedure and fast recuperative methods, that medical science has developed these days.


Dr. Manish Maheshwari -the leading Orthopedic, Arthroscopy,and sports injury specialist in Indore, MP will be the best person to guide you through your pain and steer you carefully till you can stand on your own. Having conducted numerous such procedures especially ACL reconstruction, Dr. Manish Maheshwari has been instrumental in treating many ACL disrupted patients and giving them back their normal life.


Never take your injuries lightly and consult the right expert on time. Injuries are prone to aggravate with time and become more and more complicated with the passage of time.

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16/1, South Tukoganj, Global SNG Hospital, Indore


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