Neck Strain & Neck Sprain
Neck strain is an injury caused to muscle or tendon of the neck that generally occurs when these muscles or tendons get stretched too far & tear, whereas neck sprain is an injury to the ligament of the neck. Symptoms of neck sprain and strain are similar and can be based on the size of tears and location. Symptoms of neck sprain and neck strains involve pain in the back of the neck and upper shoulder that become more and more painful as you move your head. Difficulty in moving the head or rotating the neck is a critical symptom of neck strain or sprain. Another symptom includes headache that feels worse in the region of the back of the head. Increased irritability and fatigue are the major problems with neck strain & sprain. Other symptoms are decreased range of motion and neck stiffness, tingling, numbness, or weakness in arms or hands. Diagnosing neck strain or sprain includes a comprehensive physical examination, your doctor may ask you how the injury occurred, what your sym...