Meniscus tear are one of the most common knee injuries. This is particularly seen in the athletes who play contact Sports. Meniscus tear are caused due to any activity that causes you to twist or rotate your knees forcefully, and occurs when you generally put the full weight on the twisted leg. Meniscus are the C shaped disk's made up of tissue that is present in the knees and act as a cushion between the shin bone and the thigh, and also helps in smooth moments of the knees. Any injury or tears to the meniscus can cause excessive pain, stiffness and swelling. The meniscus injury can occur to people of any age and most of them are due to sudden twisting or jumping motions. This injury can become major over time and also depends on the location of the lesion. The severity can very on the factor whether the injury is in the inner part of the meniscus or is a superficial injury. As it is an internal injury, it's hard to diagnose. Some of the common symptoms of meniscus tear are:...